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Shipping story

선박관련 약어 / Shipping word

by rangly 2011. 5. 12.

운임에 따라 하역비 부담 주체가 달라지는데, 

아래 정리한 내용 참조하세요.

1. Free in & Free out (FIO)

선적과 양하가 화주(쉬퍼)책임 과 비용으로 이뤄지는 조건이다.

선주는 해상운송만 부담. 화주가 선작항 및 양륙항에 하역시설을 소유하고 있을 때 주로 사용함. (포스코, 현대제철 등)

2. Berth Term 

선적과 하역이 선주의 책임과 비용으로 이뤄지는 조건. FIO와 반대개념으로 운임에 본선하역비, 크레인 비용 등 포함.  화주는 자선하역비 부담.

Liner term, Full Liner term(FLT), BTBT, Liner In & Out (LILO) 라고도 함.


Fixture note나 전문, 계약서에는 많은 약어가 쓰입니다.
정리를 해봤는데, 참조하시기 바랍니다.

C/P : Charter Party. 용선계약서.  

Owner : 선주 

Charterer  : 용선주 

Cargo  : 화물 

Load Port  : 선적항 

Discharging Port : 양하항 

1 SBP : One Safe berth and  Port  : 1개 안전항에서 1개 부두에서 작업.

1SAP  : 1 Safe Anchorge and Port  : 부두가 아닌 anchorge (묘박지)에서 작업한다는것이 다름. 

Layday/Cancelling Day : layday는 작업시작을, cancelling day는 작업 취소일을 의미.


L/D Rate  : loaing and discharging rate.


SHEX UU : sunday,holiday excluded if unless used. 

SHEX EIU  : sunday,holiday excluded even if used.

일요일, 공휴일은 작업을 하더라도 계산에서 제외. 화주에게 유리한 조건. 

Freight  : ocean freight. 해상운임 

Banking Day : 은행 일 즉 은행이 일 하는 날을 가리킴. 한국은 공휴일, 토/일요일은 제외. 

ACOL : after completion of loading 의 약자. 선적을 완료한 후. 

BBB  : before breaking bulk. 하역작업 전에... 

Detention Chanrge : 화주가 선적/양하 작업준비를 선적전에 못하여 작업이 지체되어 선주에게 지불하는 지체료. 

Demurrage : 체선료. 정해진 기간에 화주가 선적/양하 작업을 완료하지 못하여 선주에게 지불하는 비용. 

Despatch  : 조출료. 체선료와 반대 개념으로 작업을 계약된 시간보다 빨리 끝냈을 때 선주가 화주에게 지불. 

DHD  : Despatch Half Demurrage. 조출료는 통상 체선료의 반으로 계약함. 

CQD  : customay quick despatch. 관습적으로 빨리 작업하는 조건. 화주에게는 작업속도에 관계없이 demurrage 를 물지않을 수 있는 조건이나 100% 항상 그렇지는 않다. 

BENDS : both ends. 선적/양하항 양쪽을 의미. BE. 

PDPR  : per day pro ration 하루당 얼마의 비율. 

Agent  : 해운 대리점 

OAP  : over aged premium. 노후선의 보험료 할증. 

L/S/D : Lashing/separation/dunnage 약자. 화물의 고박, 분리, 깔목 (바닥에 까는 목재) 

Lightening  : 수심에 맞추기 위해 배를 가볍게(뜨게) 하는 것, 비용. 

Lighterage  :부선. 큰 선박에서 선적/양하한 화물을 운반하는 작은 배. barge. 

Tally  : 화물의 갯수를 세는 행위. 

Draft  : 흘수(선박이 수면 하에 잠긴 깊이) 선박의 선수, 선미, 중앙 양현에 각각 흘수 표시.


Draft Survey : 흘수를 보고  화물의 양을 계산하는 것. 

Shoreside  : 부두 쪽, 부두 내. 

Shipside  : 선박 쪽, 선박 내. 

Shore Crane : 부두 크레인 

Ship's Crane : 선박 크레인 

Watertight  : 수밀. '선창에 물이 들어가지 않아야 된다' 라는 문구등에 사용. 

Portside  : 좌현. 배의 왼쪽 

Starboardside : 우현. 배의 오른쪽 

Forecastle  : 선수. 이물 

Stern  : 선미. 고물 

Arbitration    : 중재.  

G/A  : generage average. 공동해손 

YAR :  York Antwerp Rules (공동해손에 관한 국제통일규칙)  공동해손 및 배상금에 대한 이자, 입체비용에 대한 수수료,공탁금의 취급방법 등에 관한 각국간의 법률상 상위에 기인된 분쟁을 방지하기 위하여 1864년 각국 관계자가 요크(york)와 안트워프(Antwerp)의 양시에서 화합을 열어 협의 제정한 규칙이다. 

Gencon 94    : uniform general charter party 94년 본.  벌크화물 용선 계약서.


LOI  : letter of indemnity. 보장각서 

LG  : letter of guarantee. 비슷한 의미이나 LG는 통상 은행이 발행한 것을 의미함. 

PNI Club  : P & I club. 선주 보장보험. 선주가 운항상 발생한 사고에 대해 보상. 화주 입장에서는 주로 화물손상 보상. 

Comm.  : Commission. 용선 중개 수수료. 보통 운임/용선료의 1.25-2.5 퍼센트

운임조건 : LINER IN LINER OUT(LILO,BTBT 선주가 선임 및 선내 작업 부담)

               FREE IN FREE OUT(FIO, 선주는 선임만, 양항 크래인 및 선내 작업비는 화주가.)

                   LIFO (선적지는 선주가, 도착항에서는 화주가 선내작업비,크래인 비용 부담.)

ADA WOG ( All Details are About With Out Guaranty)

MPP : Multi PurPose vessel 다목적선박

COW” - Crude oil wash

         “CPP” - Clean petroleum products, not darker than 3.5 NPA color

         “Cubic foot” - see "cu ft"

         “Cubic meter” - see "m3"

         “Cu ft” - cubic foot  [1 cubic foot equals 0.028317 cubic meter]

         “DD 250-1” - Tanker/Barge Material Inspection and Receiving Report

         “DFARS” - Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (issued by the Department of Defense)

         “DOD” - U.S. Department of Defense

         “DPP” - Dirty petroleum products, darker than 3.5 NPA color

         “DWT” - Deadweight tonnage

         “ETA” - Estimated time of arrival

         “FAR” - Federal Acquisition Regulation (issued by the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

         “FCC” - Federal Communications Commission

         “FHEX” - Fridays, U.S. Government holidays, and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be excluded from the time computation.  See “SSHEX”

         “FHINC” - Fridays, U.S. Government holidays, and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be included in the time computation.  See “SSHINC”

         “F.i.o.” - Free in and out

         “F.i.o. ex s.s.” - Free in and out except for stowage and securing (see Part V(b))

         “F.i.o.s.s.” - Free in and out stowed and secured (see Part V(a))

         “FLO/FLO” - Float-on, float-off loading and discharging process

         “Freight" - Identified in Box 18

         “Ft.” - Foot/feet  [1 foot equals 0.3048 meter]
          FLT - Full liner term   = BTBT LILO (Liner in LIner Out)

         “Full Cargo” - That quantity not exceeding what the Vessel can reasonably stow and carry as further defined at Part III(f); with reference to Box 17 (dry cargo voyage) or Box 25 (tanker voyage), Charterer's obligation to furnish and Owner's obligation to load a Full Cargo as above, which may be further subject to stipulated minimum and maximum values or an optional margin, in which latter case, Charterer's and Owner's obligation is set at a Full Cargo or the stated minimum, whichever is the lesser

         “GFP” - Government-furnished property (see FAR 52.245-2 in Part VIII)

         “Government” - The United States of America; interchangeable with "Charterer"

         “GSV” - Gross Standard Volume as defined by API Standard, that is, the total volume of all petroleum liquids and “sediment and water” (excluding free water), as corrected by various factors

         “hp” - horsepower [1 hp equals 0.745799 kW]

         “IGS” - Inert gas system

         “IMO” - International Maritime Organization

         “In.” - Inch(es)  [1 inch equals 25.4 mm/2.54 cm]

         “In-transit loss” - The difference in the TCV at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as measured aboard the Vessel after loading at the load port or place and before unloading at the first discharge port or place

         “kg” - kilogram [1 kg equals 2.20 pounds]

         “kPa” - kiloPascal [1 kPa equals 20.886 psf]

         “kW” - kilowatt [1 kW equals 1.34 horsepower (hp)]

         “LASH” - Lighter-Aboard-Ship vessel type

         “Laydays” - The span of Commencing and Cancelling dates identified in Box 6

         “Laytime” - The period of time agreed in Box 4 during which the Owner will make and keep the Vessel available for loading and discharging the cargo and for all other Charterer's purposes without payment additional to the freight

         “Lb” - Pound [1 pound equals 0.453592 kg]

         “Liner terms” - See Part V(c)

         “LO/LO” - Lift-on, lift-off loading and discharging process

         “LT” - Long ton, of 2,240 pounds weight [1 long ton equals 1.016047 metric tons]

         “m” - meter  [1 meter equals 3.28 feet]

         “m2 – square meter [1 square meter equals 10.764 square feet]

         “m3” - cubic meter  [1 cubic meter equals 0.883 measurement tons/35.314 cubic feet]

         “MarAd” - U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration

         “Master” - Of the Vessel identified in Box 8

         “Maximum Cargo” - Unless otherwise noted, the greater tonnage identified in Box 2; should a margin ("plus or minus") be identified with the cargo tonnage, "Maximum Cargo" shall be considered to be the greatest quantity of cargo calculable from such margin

         “Meter” - See "m"

         “Metric ton” - See "t”

         “Minimum Cargo” - Unless otherwise noted, the lesser tonnage identified in Box 2; should a margin ("plus or minus") be identified with the cargo tonnage, "Minimum Cargo" shall be considered to be the least quantity of cargo calculable from such margin

         “mm” - millimeter  [1 millimeter equals .039 inch]

         “MOL” - More or less

         “MOLCHOP” - More or less at Charterer's option

         “MOLOO” - More or less at Owner's option

         “MSC” - Military Sealift Command, interchangeable with "COMSC"

         “MSCLANT” - Military Sealift Command, Atlantic

         “MSCPAC” - Military Sealift Command, Pacific

         “MSCEUR” - Military Sealift Command, Europe

         “MSCFE” - Military Sealift Command, Far East

         “MT” - Measurement ton (40 cubic feet volume)

         “NAPS” - Navy Acquisition Procedures Supplement (issued by the Department of the Navy)

         “NOR” - Notice of readiness (see Part III(j))

         “Notice Time” - Free time allowed prior to the commencement or resumption of laytime or, if the Vessel is on demurrage, prior to the resumption of demurrage (see Part III(k)(1))

         “Office hours” - from 0800 hours until 1700 hours local time on a Working Day

         “OBQ” - Onboard quantity of material as defined by API Standard, that is, the water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and sediment remaining in Vessel tanks, void spaces , and/or pipelines prior to loading

         “OCIMF” - Oil Companies International Marine Forum

         “OO” - Owner's option

         “Owner” - That entity exercising commercial control of the Vessel identified in Box 8; interchangeable with "contractor" and "offeror," and to include disponent owners and all the shipowner's and disponent owner's agents, employees, independent contractors, Master, Officers, and crew

         “P&I” - Maritime protection and indemnity insurance

         “Part Cargo” - With reference to Box 17 (dry cargo voyage) or Box 25 (tanker voyage), Charterer's obligation to furnish and Owner's obligation to load a specified quantity of cargo, which may be further subject to stipulated minimum and maximum values or an optional margin

         "Paying Office" - Identified in Box 18a of SF 1449

         "Place" - Any berth, dock, anchorage, or alongside any vessel or lighter or any other place whatsoever to which Charterer is entitled to direct the Vessel hereunder

         "Psf" - Pounds per square foot load measure [1 psf equals 0.0478803 kPa]

         “QAR” - Quality Assurance Representative; interchangeable with “Charterer’s inspector” and “Charterer’s representative”

         "RFP" - Request for Proposals; interchangeable with "solicitation"

         “R.O.B.” - Material remaining onboard as defined by API Standard, that is, the water, oil, slops, oil residue, oil/water emulsions, sludge, and sediment in Vessel tanks, void spaces, and/or pipelines after discharge

         "RO/RO" - Roll-on, roll-off loading and discharging process

         “Route” - See Attachment IX(e) (tanker voyage only)

         "SDWT" - Deadweight capacity, to assigned summer mean draft

         "SHEX" - Sundays, U.S. Government holidays, and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be excluded from the time computation with the following time so excluded:
                  (a) from 1700 hours local time on Saturday until 0800 hours local time on the following Monday, except in countries where Friday is the recognized weekly day of rest (where time from 1200 hours local time on Thursday until 0800 hours local time on the following Saturday will be excluded);
                  (b) from 1700 hours local time on the day preceding a holiday until 0800 hours local time on the following working day.

         "SSHEX" - Saturdays, Sundays, U.S. Government holidays, and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be excluded from the time computation, with the following time so excluded:
                  (a) from 1700 hours local time on Friday until 0800 hours local time on the following Monday, except in countries where Friday is the recognized weekly day of rest (where time from 1200 hours local time on Thursday until 0800 hours local time on the following Saturday will be excluded);
                  (b) from 1700 hours local time on the day preceding a holiday until 0800 hours local time on the following working day.

         “SHINC”  - Sundays, U.S. holidays and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be included in the time computation.  See “SSHINC”

         “SSHINC” - Saturdays, Sundays, U.S. Government holidays, and holidays observed at the port (whether national or local) to be included in the time computation, with time counting:
                  (a) from 1700 hours local time on Friday until 0800 hours local time on the following Monday, except in countries where Friday is the recognized weekly day of rest (where time from 1200 hours local time on Thursday until 0800 hours local time on the following Saturday will count);
                  (b) from 1700 hours local time on the day preceding a holiday until 0800 hours local time on the following working day.

         "SWL" - Safe working load

         “t” - metric ton (1 metric ton equals 0.9842064 long ton)

         “Tanker Loading Reports” - Charterer-issued cargo manifests, to include DD Form 250-1

         “TCV” - Total Calculated Volume as defined by API Standard, that is, GSV plus free water

         “USCG” – United States Coast Guard

         “VEF” - Vessel Experience Factor as defined by API

         “Voyage” - Identified at Boxes 3 and 5 (dry cargo voyage) or Boxes 7-9 (tanker voyage)

         “Worldscale” - interchangeable with “WS”

         “WS” - New Worldwide Tanker Nominal Freight Scale, code name “New Worldscale,” (as revised and current as of the Charter Party Date, jointly sponsored and issued by the Worldscale Association (London), Ltd. and Worldscale Association (NYC), Inc.

Abbreviation & Symbols




Ante meridian



All going well

(만일) 잘된다면





Berth congestion

부두 혼잡


Brake horse power






Commenced loading

적화 시작


Commenced Discharging

하역 시작


Completed loading

적화 완료


Due to

~ 때문에


Estimate time of berthing

접안 예정시각


Estimate time of complete loading

적화 완료 예정시각


Estimate time of complete discharging

하역 완료 예정시각


Estimate time of arrival

도착 예정시각


Estimate time of departure

출항 예정시각


Estimate time of start discharging

하역 시작 예상시각


Estimate time of start loading

적화 시작 예정시각











Motor vessel



Notice of readiness

하역 준비 완료 통지서


Past meridian



Pilot on board

도선사 승선


Pilot station

도선사 승선 지점



(확인시) 재통보














Weather permit

날씨가 허락하면

 pwwd shinc: Per Weather Working day Sunday Holiday included

contact to : minyoungkey@gmail.com


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