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Coal Operation 컨베이어를 이용한 석탄 적재모습니다. 벌크 선적시 사용하는 하역장비를 참고하세요. 2024. 3. 21.
Shipping language for charter,shipping business The qualifications to the redelivery notice were construed by the arbitrators to mean.. fme: Force Majeure Excepted wp: weather permitting uce: unforeseen circumstances excepted wog or wag: without guarantee agw: all going well wp : without prejudice fcl : full container load lcl : less container load OOG : out of gauge, overized cargo , on flat rack or open top container CY/CY : rate is valid f.. 2023. 9. 1.
Loaded boiler Loaded bolier by Heavy lift 2023. 6. 7.
Fixture note 선주와 작성중인 실제 사용하는 Fixure Note 폼 첨부합니다. 내용중 궁금한 사항은 댓글 달아주세요. 2023. 4. 12.
벌크 로로선 작업 We were success load to 62 ton machine by RORO carrier. 2022. 10. 25.
저녁 부두에서 비가오나 눈이오나 한결같은 모습입니다 2022. 7. 15.
Shipping schedule from F.East to P.G Please pps to your good cargo to below tonnage. AA)Mv C.YNG (Fixed& Firmed!!) Flag: Hongkong/Built 2014 General Cgo/ Tween Deck Dwt 38,000mt Summer Dft/ 10.6m Class:Lr Loa/ 179.9m Beam/ 30.0m Gt/Nt 25800/13200 Grain/Bal 48,000cbm/46,400cbm 4h/7h Hatch Size: No1 18.4 X 15.0m ,No 2/3 32 X 11.88(P/S),No.4 24 X 11.88 (P/S) Crane 50mt X 4, 30mt X 1, 50mt X 2 Combined To 100mt(2+3, 4+5) Gemini 2+3+4+5.. 2020. 3. 11.
Pipe loaded We carried to Pipe 1400 ton from Masan. 2019. 8. 5.
스크랩 선적 벌크 화물중 큰 비중을 차지하는 아이템이 스크랩입니다. 단, 화물 특성상 선적시 계약,작업할 때 많은 주의를 요하는데요. 아래 스크랩 선적할 때 모습을 참조 하세요. 2014. 2. 7.
Stowage Factors 항공화물에 chargeable weight가 있는 것처럼 Bulk 화물에도 중량대비 볼륨 가격이 있습니다.Stowage Factors(S/F) 라는 적재계수가 그것인데, 가령 S/F 1.5라면, 1000톤 기준 1500 CBM 정도의 스페이스가 필요하다는 뜻입니다. http://www.rc-nola.net/Stowage%20Factors/stowage.htm CARGO NAMES / FACTORPACKINGACETONE1.4DRUMACORN KERNEL MEAL1.56BAGACORN KERNELS1.67BAGACORN KERNELS1.49BULKAIR RIFLES3.1CASEALUMINA.61BULKALUMINA SILICA.7BULKALUMINIUM DROSS.81BULKALUMINIUM FERROSI.. 2012. 5. 4.
Shipping schedule in Week 12 BEST REGARDS, Y.K.Min PROJECT CARRER , Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-2632-1150 Fax +82-2-2068-1982 Email project@heavybulk.com www.heavybulk.com 2011. 4. 29.